Thursday, May 7, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Poems!

The following have been submitted in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week by the Grade 5 Leadership Team on behalf of the entire fifth grade at the Cunningham School.

The Long Road of Education

Middle School
so big and far away

New math, new science
the long road of education

To all the teachers who helped us,
you did quite a nice job

Thank you for your hard work
it paid off.

Super Teachers

Teachers and Mr. Redden
Everyone loves your guidance
You’ve all cared so much for all these years.

Helping our journey through the tough times.
Exceeding an A+ with your help

Ready for middle school and beyond.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Hope, by a 5th Grade Cunningham Student


I am hope.
The people watching soldiers walk out of town.
The mother waiting in the doctor's waiting room.
The child writing down her birthday list.
The new father waiting outside the door.
The child wondering if their grandparents are coming.
The child going to bed the night before Christmas.
The man with a ring in his pocket.
The student when the teacher hands out corrected tests.
The student when the teacher hands out report cards.
I am Hope!
